
Your benefits at a glance

  • Information about lack of exercise in bed → Detection of pressure injury risks
  • 24 h motion profile → Data history for anamnesis
  • Effective storage management → More time for care
  • Overview of bed occupancy → Transparency for the entire care sector
  • Bed exit indication silent or via call system → Resident-individual setting
  • Effective prioritization of control rounds → For relief during night and weekend shifts
  • Care monitor for smartphone, tablet and PC
    → High transparency due to the traffic light principle
    → 24 h continuous resident monitoring in bed
    → Important information for care planning and documentation
  • Direct data access at the point of care → Flexible, time-saving and individual application
  • Encrypted, local data storage → 100% data protection
  • Compatible with current operating systems → Windows, Android, iOS
  • Flexibly expandable functionality → Retrofittable, future-proof solution
  • Compatible with modern care infrastructure → Wi-Fi, LAN and radio (nurse call)
  • Sensory overlay with monitoring and call function
  • If moisture is detected in the bed, a silent alarm is transmitted to the monitoring system of SafeSense® 3 and, if necessary, a call is also sent to the in-house call system.
  • The Moisture Assistant detects moisture in the bed at an early stage and helps to better protect residents from maceration and pressure injuries.

Technical features

Electronic monitoring unit with interface to SafeSense® software and to the call system, as well as a differential pressure sensor for detecting the transmitted signals

SafeSense 3 - Your digital care assistant for a continuous real-time resident monitoring

Integrated LED underbed light for better orientation at night

SafeSense 3 - Your digital care assistant for a continuous real-time resident monitoring

Patented, electronic-free and robust sensor mat for signal transmission and flexible use in the care bed


SafeSense 3 - Your digital care assistant for a continuous real-time resident monitoring

Pneumatic connection between sensor pad and connectivity box

SafeSense 3 - Your digital care assistant for a continuous real-time resident monitoring



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